A couple weeks ago Stephanie and I went sledding, while we were sledding we saw this rock. It looked really fun to go down! So we tried it... It looked like we would just slide right through, but we went down and all it did was blow snow in our faces and it ran over Stephanie's leg (The one that was broken). She said it really hurt but in a couple minutes she didn't feel anything. But then two weeks later she found out she broke it again! So tonight she has to get another cast on. And now she cant do gym for three weeks, but Ill help her make it through it!
The End!
You're a good friend.
Thanks, I never EVER want us to get in a fight.:( And if she looks at this then, your such a good friend too Stephiee!
Pink,pink,pink,pink,pink,pink,pink,pink.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................nice blog!
Poor stephannie hopefully she gets better soon!
Hey Brooke! It's your class mentor here!
That's too bad about your friends leg. Who knew sledding was so dangerous!
Talk to you later!
Yay! Thanks Alex! I know it sucks but now its healed! I knew it would get better soon! YAY US STEPHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad to hear all is well now.
Take care!
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